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Vancouver, Washington, United States
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005


OK, so this blogging thing is proving to be interesting.  Woke up this morning, only to find a couple of emails from good friends telling me that they can’t see past the first article.  According to them, the text is the same color as the background.  I’m thinking, so what’s the problem!  My screen reader can read it just fine!  But, that wouldn’t make them happy I guess.  Besides, I do want others to read the Blog don’t I?  So, I’ve done some work to fix it, but I’m finding out that I do not have a concrete way of verifying that the changes have indeed worked!  Well, I have some tools, but, well, we’ve seen how well those tools worked last night didn’t we!


In any case, I think I fixed it now.  If you disagree, please let me know!


Have a fantastic day!

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